Budding young astronauts can try to emulate Chichester space hero Tim Peake at a fun-packed, out-of-this-world night at the Novium Museum.
That’s because children can become “space explorers” next month at the popular venue as part of the national Museums at Night festival.
“Complete a space themed museum trail before taking our ‘rocket lift’ into space for a family friendly demonstrations in our Tim Peake Gallery and take part in themed craft activities as part of the Space Explorers event,” says a spokesman.
Major Peake was the first British astronaut to visit the International Space Station. His long-duration flight to the International Space Station was launched 15 December 15, 2015 and he returned to Earth on 18 June 2016.
His mission proved to be an eventful and busy six months in space and in the first month after his launch he conducted a spacewalk to repair the sStation’s power supply together with NASA astronaut Tim Kopra. Other highlights of his mission saw him drive a rover across a simulated Mars terrain from space and he helped dock two spacecraft.
Tim took part in numerous experiments for ESA and international partners. Highlights include using the Space Station airlock to study Tim’s lungs, monitoring his sleeping patterns to learn how humans adapt to life without normal daylight, and recording how many calories he consumed to prepare for missions further from Earth.
The Museums at Night events take place twice a year. All UK museums, galleries and heritage sites to throw open their doors after hours to showcase their treasures in unexpected ways.
The Novium event, on May 19, and which lasts two hours, is suitable for all ages and is price £5 per person. Organisers say booking is essential, call 01243 775888 (option 1).