Sue Garman and Julie Harrison and have been appointed in a shared role as CEOs of Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Here, Sue tells Chichester.News about the joint role and the exciting CCCI plans for the future…
“We start officially on 3rd July, and Julie came along to our members’ meeting on 12th June at Chichester Golf Club to re-introduce herself to everyone. Julie spent 11 years as a highly effective business development manager (BDM) of our chamber, and we appreciate the wealth of experience she is bringing back with her.
“I have been acting as the part-time interim business development director since December 2016, with a background in education and working closely with businesses to create ‘business needs analyses and solutions’ and I am thrilled that we are now back up to capacity as a team to take our chamber forward, with the continued support of Gayle Dixon, our administrator.
“Julie and I have worked together on projects in the past and we are both delighted to be working together again. Our vision for the future is to grow and retain our membership by ensuring that we remain ‘the voice’ of Chichester and the surrounding district’s businesses. With the two of us at the helm, we can offer account management to ensure effective communication and support.
“We will continue to run quality events alongside our members’ meetings, such as further ‘behind the scenes’ offers, and also plan to extend the opportunity for networking with other Chamber members, together with Hampshire, Bognor Regis, Worthing and Adur and Sussex chambers.
“We continue to work with Coast to Capital’s Business Navigator Hub to refer you to a quality business support service for growing businesses; we know how invaluable this has been to those of you who have taken advantage of their expertise.
“We would like to grow and enhance the offer by our members to run training events for you. If you would like to offer a training session, then please do get in touch with us.
We are also offering social events – such as the ‘supper club’ in partnership with Chichester Business Improvement District (BID) in the coming months and are looking to organise some new and exciting events where you can network informally with like-minded businesses.
“Our joint monthly business breakfast offer continues too with Chichester College; with networking, quality speakers and of course a delicious full English breakfast prepared by the students.
“Our commitment to supporting local charities will also continue. A lot of you supported our recent charity quiz night in aid of Fishbourne Roman Palace at the fabulous venue of the Chichester Park Hotel, brilliantly hosted by Chris Coopey of MHA Carpenter Box. A wonderfully fun evening that raised nearly £1,000!
“Don’t forget, our Chamber has a lot to offer you! You can host or sponsor events, promote your business, offer up a ‘business gem’ or ‘minute to win it’, speak at one of our events and of course advertise in our bi-annual magazine and on our website. We would love to hear from you, and your views on how we can best support you!”