Chichester Festival Theatre’s stunning Sleeping Beauty proves to be a real Christmas cracker
You know the story; the course of true love, knowing no bounds as it does, sees our prince and princess ...
Don’t miss the most recent stories and news of all things theatre, from reviews of recent performances to forthcoming shows in Chichester.
You know the story; the course of true love, knowing no bounds as it does, sees our prince and princess ...
Theatre-goers who might find attending a production a stressful experience are being urged to consider upcoming "relaxed" performances. If you ...
Ian McKellen is to celebrate his 80th birthday next year by raising funds for theatres, with a new solo show ...
Chichester College students wowed audiences – and even sold out three of their five show run at this year’s Edinburgh ...
Bouquets all round for the wonderful Flowers for Mrs Harris, a newish British musical that is blossoming fully at Chichester Festival ...
The act of observation changes what's being observed. That is, says playwright Michael Frayn, one of the implications of quantum ...
What's this. guvnor? Star of the Me and My Girl Matt Lucas is unable to perform because of a troublesome ...
Take a posthumous bow, William Wycherley. And take a bow director Jonathan Munby. The former wrote what was the then ...
All is rosy in the garden for beloved Penelope Keith on the evidence of her wonderful performance in The Chalk ...
Former EastEnders star Petra Letang is to star in Debbie Tucker Green’s double bill of plays Random and Generations, running at Chichester’s ...